Frequently Asked Questions
General Queries
Where do you operate?
We’ve got our own showrooms with fully-equipped workshops in Melbourne and Perth with more than 50 ebikes on display and available for test riding. A network of accredited service providers around the country helps us deliver, service and repair our ebikes. We currently operate in all capital cities around Australia and select regional areas in Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania, and our network is growing everyday.
Please contact us to confirm how we can help you get on your new ebike with full support from our network.
What is the difference between an ebike, a pedelec/pedalec and a pedal-assisted electric bicycle?
“Ebike” is a broad categorisation of bicycles equipped with an electronic motor. Ebikes can be operated as a pedal-assisted bicycle or as a throttle-operated bicycle. Before 2012, there was a single standard for ebikes in Australia, allowing for both pedal-assisted and throttle-based operation, with a motor of maximum 200W. In 2012 the Commonwealth added to this existing standard a second definition of ebikes, called “pedelecs/pedalecs”, following the European standard (EN15194). This European standard requires an ebike to be pedal-assist only, so you are required to pedal to engage the 250W motor. The motor provides support up to a speed of 25kph (with a fade out between 25kph and 27kph on most models for a more comfortable riding experience). Technological development is concentrated on pedelecs now. Therefore, to give you the best user experience, all models in our range are pedelecs.
I’m an ebike manufacturer/distributor. How do I get my ebikes added to your range of models?
Not very different at all, except for the additional push you get from the motor, which makes it so much easier and more fun! Other than that, pedalling, operating the gears, brakes, and steering on an ebike are basically the same as on a regular bicycle.
How different is riding an ebike from riding a regular bicycle?
Not very different at all, except for the additional push you get from the motor, which makes it so much easier and more fun! Other than that, pedalling, operating the gears, brakes, and steering on an ebike are basically the same as on a regular bicycle.
Do I need to pedal at all?
Yes, all the ebikes we support are pedelecs or pedal-assisted electric bicycles, meaning that you need to pedal to engage the motor. The drivetrains in the bikes we offer have different levels of support to help you along, but they are like a well-trained dog: they will only help you when you ask them to!
How hard do I need to work?
The level of exercise you get on a pedelec varies with the support level you choose, but generally it is similar to walking. For the same amount of effort you’ll be going about 5 times faster though, without getting sweaty.
Riding Practicalities
Where can I ride my ebike?
Road rules around Australia classify a pedal-assisted electric bicycle (“ebike”) as a bicycle, meaning you can ride it anywhere you can ride a conventional bicycle. This includes bicycle lanes and shared paths. Please always be courteous to fellow road users, in particular on shared paths where you have to yield to pedestrians.
Do I need a license?
No, you don’t need a license to ride an ebike, and you can ride it anywhere where a regular bicycle is allowed.
Do I need to register my ebike?
No, road rules classify an ebike as a bicycle and therefore no registration is required.
The Sparque ebike lease
What happens if I leave my employer before the end of the lease?
If your employment is terminated, then we offer a few different options:
- Transfer the lease to your new employer if they are already signed up with us or are happy to do so.
- Transfer the lease to a colleague at your old workplace.
- Buy the ebike outright at a pre-agreed value.
- Hand the ebike back to us and pay a small penalty.
What happens at the end of the lease?
At the end of the lease, you can request an option to buy the ebike outright or to hand the ebike back to us.
Why does the lease cost more than buying the ebike?
The lease package contains much more than just the ebike. To make a fair comparison between leasing and buying outright, one would also need to consider all the other inclusions of the lease package like the cost of insurance, servicing labour and parts, and the cost of any emergency repairs. The online calculator takes into account all these items and calculates the money you can save by leasing compared to buying the same package outright.
For Employers
Do I need to build additional facilities to accommodate ebikes?
Ebikes have the same dimensions as regular bicycles, so the same facilities can be used. Ebikes tend to be somewhat heavier than normal bikes, especially the bigger bikes like family/cargo ebikes. For that reason, we recommend horizontal parking/storage to provide userfriendly options for ebike riders.
Since the ebikes are of high value, we highly recommend secure bicycle parking facilities. Providing power outlets to charge ebikes helps to show your commitment, but is not required. Ebike batteries do not need charging that often (depending on model and use, a single charge will get you a range between 40-150km), and can be charged from any regular power outlet using the charger that is supplied with the bike. On almost all bikes, the battery can be easily removed to charge it away from the bike. Please contact us via the contact page to discuss further.
I am familiar with novated leases for cars. How does the Sparque ebike lease compare to those?
The Sparque ebike lease is like a car novated lease, but not the same. It is an agreement between Sparque as the owner of the ebike, your staff member as the ebike rider and you as the employer. However, ebike leases are much simpler than car novated leases. Almost all car novated leases use a budget for fuel, service and maintenance, and that budget requires reconciliation of receipts and potentially additional payments at the end of the year. Sparque offers a flat fee for service and maintenance, as long as the actual use of the ebike is similar to the expected use we agreed on in the contract. That means no receipts or reconciliations to be done, saving you and your employer time!
I offer car novated leases to my staff already, why should I add leases on ebikes?
You see the value in providing additional benefits to your staff, that’s great! What factors drive your decision to add a certain benefit for your staff?
- Should the benefit enhance your credentials as a sustainable employer of choice?
- Should it provide staff with a healthy and comfortable alternative to their daily commute?
- Wouldn’t it be nice if the benefit reduces staff parking costs (and stress), leaving more opportunity for visiting clients to park?
- Should the benefit let your staff save on tax?
The Sparque ebike lease ticks all those boxes. An ebike lease gives your staff the opportunity to take control of their commute and pay for it out of their pre-tax salary. The ebike is a competitive mode of transport for car and public transport trips up to 15km in urban environments, particularly in peak hour. The support of the 250W electric motor lets your staff ride to work without breaking a sweat, while still accessing the benefits of riding a bicycle like improved physical and mental wellbeing and reduced absenteeism. Are you ready to let your staff revive their drive? Please contact us via the contact page and we’ll help you get set up quickly!